Prayer Request

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I want to stay many years in now currently working office. Please pray for my job protection. I will get a good job in good private company with good salary I want to stay many years in now currently working office. I want to stay in now currently working office for the long term period of time. I want to keep his job. I want to work here properly i want to work here sincerely seriously. Please pray for my job protection. Dear God Thank you for this wonderful day please bless me Lord Jesus Christ Please help me Lord jesus Christ for staying many years in now currently working office. I want to stay in now currently working office for the many years long term period of time. Please make my protection for my job. Please keep me in this job for many years please bless me Lord jesus Christ to stay in now currently working office you know that my job is how important for me please bless me Lord jesus Christ thank you for this wonderful opportunity in the Name of Almighty God Lord Jesus Christ I Pray Amen🙏. Thank you Name:- Purushothaman R


Found out today I have wide spread pneumonia. 90% in my left lung and 25% in my right lung. Please pray for healing.


prayer for my up coming surgery and recovery and that God shows me how to replace my vehicle


Please pray as I have to make a decision of going to treatment (mental health) for the next 30 to 60 days. I'm feeling scared and really lonely. My thoughts are getting really overwhelming. Thank you for the prayers.


Please pray God fills me with the Holy Spirit in Jesus name.