Volunteer Opportunities

"Let us consider how we may encourage one another toward love and good deeds."

Hebrews 10:25

  • Mentor

    How are you making disciples in your life? Mentoring with ATLAS is an intentional and meaningful way to provide comfort to someone going through a hard time and help them grow deeper in their relationship with Jesus. Learn more.

  • prayer partner

    Sign up to be a prayer partner and pray for the people and work of ATLAS. We send out a weekly prayer email with specific ways you can pray. Contact us to be added to our prayer list. 

  • safe harbor helper

    Our Safe Harbor Helpers help us engage and develop relationships with the families staying in our Safe Harbor House. This can be done in any number of ways, including delivering meals, offering rides to appointments, inviting the family to church or other activities, offering to pray with them, or just providing a listening ear. Our hope is that our Helpers will be able to develop relationships with the families that continue beyond their stay in the Safe Harbor House.

  • safe harbor hospitality crew

    Our Safe Harbor Hospitality Crew helps us create a welcoming atmosphere in the house between family stays. This includes cleaning the house, providing welcoming notes of encouragement to the family, praying through the house and for the family, and finding other ways to share Christ’s love before the next family moves into the house. These opportunities typically come up a couple times during the year.

  • other opportunities

    Help us with special events (like our Beauty from Ashes Banquet in the fall or Family Fun Night in the summer in the spring.) prepare mailings, cover the front desk, or help us bless those we serve as needs arise.